In a different world, I am a better person Assured and firm, confident and assertive But this isn't a different world is it? Because The Reality is, in this world, I'm the exact opposite of who I wish I could be.
I look up to the starless sky, wondering if You can hear me Because everytime I ask a question, my only response is silence If You're there, then truly, I want to know why I'm here Because The Reality is, I don't know what to do with myself anymore
In waking dreams I see how broken I've become It feels like a large piece of me is missing, I'm incomplete I've tried so hard to fix myself time and time again But The Reality is, there are things in this world that cannot be made whole
I don't know why I'm not happy, joyful and carefree I have what most people truly long for Yet even with this, I feel more alone than I've ever been Because The Reality is, despite everything, I feel like I have nothing
Reality is a difficult pill to swallow I wish my life was as easy and wonderful as the lands of fantasy I invent in my head I want to live, to dream, to love, to be happy But The Unfortunate Reality is, I don't want to live my life anymore...