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May 2019
I can't believe all this time, I thought I brought joy to you.
It is at our darkest hour we spill out how we truly feel, and how you truly feel pains my heart.

I love you, and I love you so much...why do you think I think the worst of you. How can you say all I do is belittle you.

I can't believe this is how you truly feel.

If i bring you so much agony, so much pain then why do you force yourself to stay? Why do you laugh with me? Make love to me?

If this is how you truly feel.

Your words tore through my skin like a depressed child slitting knives through sheets, I yell I scream just by the things you thought of me.

I'm trapped in my thoughts, drowning in disbelief. How can you say those things about me.

I don't believe we deserve an us of this is how you truly feels.
Livia-savage Reign
Written by
Livia-savage Reign  Kingston, Jamaica
(Kingston, Jamaica)   
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