Where did all the trees go Dad?
Why son we cut them down,
milled them into two by fours,
used them to build the town.
And what we didn't build with,
we burned upon the stove.
See we never thought we could,
use up this treasure trove.
Once, we started planting,
a tree for each cut down,
but then we ploughed them under,
to make room for a bigger town.
And then all of a sudden,
(at least thats how it seemed),
we had so many people,
more than we ever dreamed.
We had nothing left to build with,
and nowhere to grow food.
So people started moving out,
in a less than happy mood.
With everyone so angry,
at all that was so wrong,
they raised their voice in protest,
at marches and in song.
But nobody could help us,
cos in our hour of need,
we'd consumed or sold off everything,
to satisfy our greed.
We wanted it all now,
didn't want to look ahead,
so in answer to you question son,
all the trees, like us, are dead.