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May 2019
I'm grown, so very grown, way too grown, for all of this.
I'd love to believe I'm smart, maybe a bit too smart for my own good, how pathetic.

Why am I still burdening myself, why am I so stubborn. I wish I could send for a space ship and share my thoughts with aliens, because I get so tired of humans.

He said I'm too emotional, maybe way too emotional indeed, because right now I'm way too numb to feel. But here it comes again.

I don't know what am I. Born to let them fall in love and then shurgs... I chase them away.

I am so very tired, tired of the same old LIES, same old CRYS, same old ROUTINE, same old LOVE, same old BETRAYAL and the same old PAIN.

Nobody knows it but me and that's what scares me, I might die in my sleep tonight of anxiety or heart attack.
Alone with the mysteries of why and what went wrong.

...but if I should never wake up, it's ok. I wont have to worry about feeling again, crying again, hurting again...well, maybe. Maybe I'll be lurking in the shadows of you, sleeplessly with no peace.

When it's all said and done...I'm just too numb to feel
Livia-savage Reign
Written by
Livia-savage Reign  Kingston, Jamaica
(Kingston, Jamaica)   
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