I spent some time today writing up some old memories. They were all negative of course. Most of them are memories I hold from when I was of primary school (aged 5-11) Though some of them were from when I was a little older in secondary school (aged 12-17) None of this matters of course, I'm not even sure this is a poem - it's not. Is it? Over 5000 words and 20000 characters; that was the result of the memories I wrote. It seems so little for moments that meant so much at the time, those moments that changed me. I'm trying to find out who I am and what made me this way. I had to stop after over 5000 words because it was tiring, so I slept. I woke up, and I ordered pizza which I now regret. I guess that was a lesson. I was sick this weekend and I took today off to myself, just to rest some more. It was much needed. I think today was productive, if only for the memories I wrote down. I'm going to finish up all of the junk food that I have. I'm going to eat the last two double chocolate chip muffins, I'll eat the crisps and the last of the ice-cream. Maybe not the ice-cream, as that's about a litre which I think is a bit of an overkill. Besides, I might buy some jelly to go with it because that always makes things better. I will write a list, and I will try my best to find small ways of doing things that will help. Sudden change always seems to startle me so I think gradual is best. This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.