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Apr 2019
This treasure is something that makes or breaks everything
People lock theirs away like a prison mate
Some let their flow like the sea
Some treats there's like a new lion to the pack
This treasure is a rope bridge
When taken for granted
Gasoline is poured and lit in flames
Now the ashes become the shadow of what it used to be
Now i make sure my bridges is flammable
Cause people love pouring gasoline
On the statue of liberty between us
This treasure is just a game of roulette
A game show of people wearing costumes
Never knowing who to choose
This treasure is
Sunshine on cloudy days when the oak trees give you love
This treasure is
The statue of liberty betweens two mimes learning how to speak
This is treasure
Fayera Mcpherson
Written by
Fayera Mcpherson  17/F
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