We have seen the might And the power of a saturn 5 rocket as it Claws its way skywards On a plume of noise and flame and fury And this is the image we conjure when we Are presented the concept of rocket, Or flight, Or heavenward high attainment,
Yet I know one who flies just as high, Whose glance, Let alone whose direct look, Has the power of a thouand thousand suns And the intense draw Or magnetism even of a dozen Deep black holes In their wells
Yet she is truly petite, One may almsot say too tiny, She makes those of us of barn door Frame feel truly lumpsome and Gross by comparison, Yet she whizzes and fizzes and Percolates and pops, Her path is as of rainbows
I am sure I felt the touch of An Angel wing when she passed Close by and yet I see also deep naughtiness Held firm in check, Perhaps indeed there are horns Beneath her dark dark hair
But it is those wings Which explain the rocket And the petite and the horns in balance with the good That quicken the heart of all that Meet her Leaving us all just a little exhausted Yet wearing a great Big Smile...