I look down at his pale, innocent face, holding his head in my lap. Red drops fall onto the snow beneath us as I stare into his expressionless eyes. Time is frozen.
Eyes swolen with tears, I watch as the red dye soakes his shirt. I wish, for just a moment, he would wake so I could say goodbye; I know it's too late.
Slowly, I slip my arms around his limp body and hold him as I cry into his chest, wishing I could hear the steady beat of his heart. What did he do to deserve this? CLICK.
Looking up, I find myself staring at the metal 'thing' that silenced the man in my embrace. I hold him closer, hoping to find a sense of comfort, for I know the tragedy that is to come. Everything grows dark.
*She falls over, blood streaming from the hole in her head. I stare for a moment, wondering if this was really a necessary action. 'Eh, what does it matter?' I think as I walk away, surrounded by silence. . .