comes out as "He just hasn't got his grandfather's legs!"
Second sheep to first sheep: "Baaaa!"
Thank God for subtitles "No...nor the Sheedy stamina!"
And indeed I have inherited none of these famous attributes.
I, a shortsighted puny bookworm
not taking to this cross-country running lark.
The famous runner doesn't run in my side of the family.
Early morning spiderwebs bejewel the furze bushes.
A cuckoo calls. Sheep bleat.
I recite poetry to the yellow furze
passing slowly by me I madly in love with Hopkins' words.
"I caught this morning(puff pantpANT!) morning's(aghhhhh!)glory...!"
"Oh jaysus...he's off on the poetry again!" first sheep moans to second sheep.
"Poetry at his age..I just don't get it!" Second sheep bemoans the fact.
I pay no attention to this sheep commentary.
Hurl Hopkins at the world.
Slog through the pain and mud.
"Nothing is so (gaspgASP!)beautiful as Spring -" I yell!
I become a dot in the distance of this misty Curragh morning.
Run on into the blue of these my teenage times.
"The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush With richness;"
"Bè bè" first sheep to second sheep in Dutch.
"Meh meh!" second sheep to first in Japanese.
So the sheep I see are studying foreign languages.
But I don't hear them and anyway
someone's turned the subtitles off.
Thanks to Fr. Hopkins for allowing me to quote from his SPRING and THE WINDHOVER(TO CHRIST OUR LORD). And to the gossipy auld sheep who informed me that in Dutch, sheep say "bè bè" and in Japanese they say "meh meh!"I was running out of things to say in Sheep! So animals say their sayings differently in different languages. My favourite is that in Korean bees go "*****!"