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Feb 2013
all i ever do is love you so i dont understand why you disrespect me sometimes, i dont think you realize how much it hurts me, your practically breaking my  heart a little bit at a time, i have given you all of my love, and ive given you everything youve asked for, ive actually gone out of my way so many times just to get you what you wanted, but i do that because i love you, and your the only guy ive ever loved and actually had a serious relationship with, i understand your going through a lot right now baby, and i promise ill be the best girlfriend to you ever and ill be by your side through it all i promise, ill never let go of the love that we have because its so strong and perfect, just like you baby, i love you now and forever!!!!! and please Nick just talk to me if theres anything wrong, because i will try my hardest to fix it, you just need to open up to me, and i cant wait till our date its going to be so much fun my love!!! :D XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX <3 <3 <3
Angel Groman
Written by
Angel Groman
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