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Feb 2013
The street is paved with silver
The moon tells me silently to keep still
Not a sound is heard but I can feel the leaves rustle, hushing me
But I make no noise

I have a steady grip on the melody but it is too quiet for me
The street makes no sound, it is just paved in silver
I hear the moon, calling to me
Telling me to hush but I make no noise

The cold tries to swallow me whole,
Wrap me in a taciturn blanket so the world will no longer hear my voice,
My voice that is louder than the sun but not the moon
But I make no noise.

I reach out to a silver petal, trying to grasp it
But it slips through cracks I've never noticed
And as I realize that the little light is fading
I make no noise.
Jacqueline P
Written by
Jacqueline P
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