Pick a length and focus on it. It could be somewhere or on something, key word here is "on," "is," is also poignant, but focus long enough and it'll surely blur. What I mean to seem is that attention dissolves and lens blends retention.
Distance exists more within hypothetical thought than in the connection itself. Contemplate stepping into a dirt-stirred puddle with hidden depth and shape on your daily sidewalk walk. Never step in it, never; it'll up past ankle. Wet shoes and squish, you're looked at. Rush past another walker, cold feet, another walker. It, they, them, out: be limbless.
On the wall, pick a spot. See a wall be not. See it tall. Can you see it? Is it there? Make sure it's there, because it is it is it is a wall. Focus. Spot. Now see you. "See," is the question. Can you see you? See you at me stare. Let it bend blue and walk ******* the ice-covered sidewalks. Step hard and step fast.