Presently, at the most assured stakes In claiming that had better read the first half of your excitedly short novel It is fortunate enough for us, that we can look at it. There's a chance there has been a robbery. Where I knew that Mr. Adams was up to no good. Ken is always up to good. Well, he's your son. Well, I suppose he can be excused. Ask the postman if we have any mail in yet. I suppose we could just skip this thing with Adams However, captivating that might be. I have a meeting to attend to. Well, I'm sure to make it. DId you find anything in the mail? Yes, a letter with peculiar postage stamps from... What is it, Watson? Seems like I've forgotten to mention that Mary's died. Has she now? Well, suppose we could look through the case files. No, that is unfortunate. Imagine you were never alone. Without Katie and Mary. Of course, that would be unusual. Came to my knowledge that I had to offer you a benefit of the doubt. I suppose Adams, Katie were your best friends. You wouldn't be wrong. Mary's fortunate enough. Also, want to introduce some true respect for people in other's narratives Watson. You started taking off time about Mary again didn't you? Katie wasn't really there she was. "You know I guess. Tu recht wie immer."- Watson "Did you now. You didn't even stammer"- Mary screams Watson claiming he couldn't place himself to speak