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Apr 2019
You changed me
Made me give up everything in a week

I feel inlove with you in a week
I'm yours and you are mine
We call ourselves stupid and idiot
And laugh at every bad things in life

You said i was worth it
You said i am special

I keep asking if i made you happy and you keep saying yes

I can already feel that you are my future

And i hope i'm your future too

But your past still haunts you
And you left me in there too

But darling i wont give up
Because i know your worth
So please wait for me
Because i'm willing to wait for you

I just want to let you know
That i'm not bad too
I may hurt your heart but i'm willing to hug you with all my might

Because you are my baby
And i want you to feel you
When you talk to me
Written by
Mikko  23/M/Philippines
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