Momma tucked us in tonight and wrapped the blanket close to our faces. "Stay warm, my children, My babies, my onlies." She sang us a lullaby. There in her pretty honey voice She told us of goblins with faces scrunched up like lemons And leprechauns scratching their bitty green hats as they looked for their pots of gold. Momma sang about dragons who breathed fire as red as her hair. The dragons musta been real, ‘cause I thought I heard some people running Up above us. I made sure to tell Momma that they were up past their bed time. Then she kissed us, my little brother and I, on our foreheads- Peck, peck. And we said our prayer as Momma closed her eyes and laid on our feet.
Now I lay me down to sleep I pray thee lord, my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake I pray thee lord, my soul to take. Amen.
From a series of poems told from the perspective of the victims and survivors of the Titanic tragedy. This comes from the perspective of a child (likely in 3rd class) who is being put to sleep by his mother instead of trying for rescue.