within the light of his own glass sphere In the shadows we await her here in this house of a crimson glow we listen to the ghosts and watch them grow in the world outside as the sky swirls with snow the demons bark as they hold the gate The monsters rise to the call of the feast But the flame rise up to slay the beast The castle stands tall and the ballast is true the king though is missing as are you Who can find him within the tower? The time is nigh! For the clock strikes the hour A darkness descends a hush has arisen the castle is empty except for the prison but within my world my own glass sphere they cannot touch me cannot find me here. Even were I to wait a thousand years and if the crystal princess were to cry a million tears still my corps they would not find Still the castle tall would stand Still the crown would lie in my hand But in this place of desolate skies There is no room to give good byes For I am I tyrant within this place I’m am a monster with a human face for in the dessert of shaken grains you’ll find no tears for my remains