Everyone wants what they shouldn't
We're stuck in the Garden of Eden
You are the apple, and I am Eve
Not mine to take, but who gives a ****?
Your sweet aroma tugs at my stomach
My mouth is watering, I'm drawing closer
My mind screams, no, no, stay away
But my heart says, shut the hell up
It's becoming harder to function now
All I can see is you, standing there unabashed
You're crimson, sensual, and all too aware
You know I'm watching, and you're amused as ****
The urge has become almost demonic
Temptation is mocking me because I'm a fool
*******, she giggles obscenely, You're trapped
It's too late to turn back now, and I hate it so much
You're centimeters away, so warm and close to me
I part my lips, about to take the plunge
And then, distracted, you turn and walk away with a smile
****, my heart says, and takes me to find a new apple
I've had a fixation with apples lately, so this is what it came to.