I lied on my back Under the oak, Taller than my self assurance And bigger than my confidence In Civic Center Park. The sky was pregnant with a thunderstorm past its due date. The little local band was playing their little local songs on the little fold up stage.
I was Thinking about why I️t mattered so much how I looked to everyone. Here in this park Or in the grocery store Or the coffee shop “Because we want to be beautiful.” I️ thought “Because I want to be loved” Loved. Loved?
I remembered then, that I was Perhaps not by all, But by a few. A really important few. They tell me in special languages And bring me plates of spaghetti (And I eat it, even with the meat, because I love them back) And they drive an hour and a half to bring me home. And I don’t feel so afraid Or sad Or irrelevant As I lie with my cherry boxing gloves Under the oak Taller than my fears, and bigger than my insecurities. I’m just one with the mamas and their tuft hair babies And the beer sipping husbands And the pizza chewing boys And the women with bikes And the couples on their blankets And the tie-dye tee teenagers and the taco truck workers And the sleepy dogs And the kids with the football. I’m just with love. It’s all love here.