I address a lot of people, And a lot of strangers, To them I tell stories about a promised world, Yet I never reveal the secret of it all, Cause I don't really know, myself.
Whether it's heaven or something we make, I just want the peace of mind that I'm not alone in this, Hard to speak your mind when your mind is clogged up.
I'm trying to figure it out- what's the purpose of it all? But I've noticed that the purpose becomes worthless when you compare yourself, If the drawings in my notebook were ever to be sold, I would make not a cent because- as I'm told by my head- everyone's better than me, So let the purpose be worthless and pave your own world, The path has never been set, you're walking a grassy road that hasn't been trodden just yet.
Whether it's heaven or something we make, I just want the peace of mind that I'm not alone in this, Hard to speak when your mind is clogged up.