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Apr 2019
You can't stay down
there's nothing there to see
But the sun could never rise
without first setting over me.
We don't like to think
in terms of staying down.
the sky is just my ceiling
and the hardwood floor
becomes my solid ground.
I stay down.

No soil here
No roots had ever grown.
The sun could be shining in
but I have got no seeds to sow.
We don't like to think
in terms of staying down.
No growth to produce purpose.
In shadows, even
the sun begins to doubt.
I am down

As I lay on my floor,
where I can only look up,
specks of paint on my ceiling
seem more like stars from where I am
resting in the dust.
I trust that the cold floor on my back,
next to my bed will remind me that
there is always space to move some.
Even if ceiling specks are all
that show up in the dark.
Smudges and shadows
pretending to be stars.
Both of us are wishing
to be more than what we are.
I am wishing on them-
my celestial specks, feigning
a well of wealth
I am feigning
that all is well.
Laying where
the shadows fell.
So that nobody
can see me down.
Written by
Case Catherine  M/North Carolina
(M/North Carolina)   
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