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Feb 2013
One button down,
Shoulders back,
"Your shirt's too low."
Too low for what?

One big burp,
Lots of people around
"That wasn't ladylike."
Why do I have to be?

Doing my classwork,
Wondering why I bother,
"So you can get somewhere."

Word *****,
It's exactly what I think.
"Don't be rude."
What if it's the truth?

Hot, passionate lips,
Hands in my shirt,
"Be conservative, reserved."
What way is that to live?

My shirt is gone,
My hand in his pants,
"Don't be a ****."
What exactly is that?

One more cigarette,
Sparking lighter.
"Each one kills you more."
Is that meant to be bad?
Written by
   Mandy Kate Fahey and Barb
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