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Apr 2019
Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg

Th­e story goes:

This is a name made for fun by Webster, Massachusetts newspaper editor Laurence Daley to lengthen the Algonquin name,

Lake Chaubunagungamaug,

English name is “Webster Lake”.

With Daley’s version the lake’s name is the longest place name in the U.S.

Let’s make up a few words doing the reverse,

Taking long words and making them shorter.

“Encyclopedia”: “pedia”, as has been done with Wikipedia.

“Thermostat”: “stat”.

“Consciousness”: “shuss”.

Perhaps we can get good at this and learn to continually make life simpler,

More comfortable,


I think we’re already oriented this way

And I think this style of living is becoming more popular:

Let’s keep sharing what we learn.

Very much sharing.
Written by
Steve Sufian
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