Upon some past and distant day I thought I heard love’s music play Saw Dante’s angels rise and fall and Babel crumbling through it all. Communication was breaking down in country, continent and town and whither did the angels fly when tongues of fire passed us by?
Sweet mercy’s heralds on the wing I thought I stopped to hear them sing new colours gave they to us all strange languages and ways withal. I knew my brethren nevermore nor what the diversity was for Save to set one man against the next and have mankind forever vexed....
Strange ways we walk, strange tales we weave the more our children to deceive perpetuating moral lies through generations of poisoned eyes who only see that black is white on a lesser scale, with no grace or might; that dark or different walks alone and language is slingshot to be thrown.
and whither did the angels fly when tongues of fire passed us by, when divided waters joined again, when came the end to Noah’s rain? Can it be we are alone so quick to cast judgmental stone, so slow to see, in each other’s face, the beating wings of love and grace?