You hodge podge of a person you random facsimile you who would pull yourself off of four legs just to have a go at me
Climbing up the evolutionary ladder keeping me at bay while that lizard brain of yours feels the real time of our mutual decay
Something soft in me the warm red blood in me, you could smell it even from under that stone with one eye peering above the mud while the other eye plays dead, white as a bone
You kept your weapons well hid but in the soft light of night and under a bowl of stars I could hear your claws sliding over white flesh and scars
You, fooling me by standing on two legs and showing off those practiced and opposable thumbs- how ****** gallant of you
(And I watched him fall on his neck, biting himself in half; in his parody of a human he forgot to add a spine)
if I posted this before, like in the past day or two, this is because my memory is for ****. if I posted this before AND it had a different title, well, this is due to my aforementioned memory problem- in fact I probably change the title of pretty much all of the poems I post more than once. I do the same thing with the collages I make. But I can assure you- or anyone else not paying attention- the titles to each of my poems stay put at least through a reading of one of them. What I mean by this that when you start to read a poem titled "The Ascent of a Man" it will still be titled "The Ascent of a Man" by the time you finish reading it. It will not be titled "The Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen I have Known and Loved, part one- Elliot Erickson and the Electrolux" (no matter how badly I want to change the title to that).