I am reminded of a blank space when I painted my heart white. Pure and empty.
I am reminded of the way it felt when the chemicals and my blood intermixed until the fluid that bled from paper-cuts and scraped knees was a rosy pink. When my insides burned and I wished more than anything that one day I might bleed red again.
But each day when I woke up I'd lather the slippery blackened ***** in white. And bleed pink and anyone who talked to me would say that my world was so *pretty.
"She bleeds pink," what a rosy life to lead.
And I begged myself to believe them nod, smile and buy more paint.
After many years and blood so soft, it drunk like white wine I looked to the house I'd built around me. Walls built of paint cans labels worn to light scuffs of black.
And looked to the floors where the paint had splattered white tears that marked the floor so clearly.
So, I walked the trails I always walked but this time watched the ground.
roads painted white scattered, meekly, with dirt and green and life.
And I realized I had no where to hide. I packed away my paint brushes and let in all of the words that sometimes settled like knives Embedded deep in flesh until the white and rosy blood that left me pale
began to change And though my blood was darker and thinner and smelled more strongly of iron than solvent paint fumes.
I finally stopped painting, I recycled the cans, and gave myself new purpose.