It had been 2 weeks She assumed the kids were asleep Because he entered He must of thought seductively (making sure to shower first) with an air of cool calmness a scent of beer with a new thirst for another type of refreshment not fulfillment but refilling
not romance mere maintenance
she sighed & looked up through her glasses at his swollen frame like a balloons tied to a clothes horse, left there for a day so they sagged and lost their colour & the frame had become visible but only at its peaks through the sheer power of gravity his bones became seen through his collar of his van huesen shirt he thought so debonair (had a classy air, sleekish air)
she smiled acceptingly as he pretended to be sincere when he told her that he loved her even after all these years she was still a **** momma she tried not to laugh when he kissed her on the neck & rubbed her breast like he wanted milk
she spread her legs when he pushed them & waited for the steering of a trailer into a garage in reverse at midnight under influence with the subtlety of a steer
it reminded her of years ago when she had laughed at the austere teachers that had enraged her with their frigid sneer
& she smiled to herself an thought of her *** like a rare fruit only to age and watch it be eaten by a once charming now savage brute
who turned into a blob of sorts & she aswell had sagged at least they sagged happily together there's some comfort to be had in that so she waited for the ****** with an image impressed in her of a smirking withered teacher arms folded & a smug grin with a look that proclaims ‘here u are it seems we’re on a par an existence so far from what u saw in dreams u had of supple limbs & knowing grins to dry skins and droopy things'
a flower wilted & smelling a bit funny the faded colour of pale brown
in the end she felt lie a jug of sorts he rolled over & went to sleep she eventually did also thinking about wat to cook next week