We are going to move soon. Mom says we are going to California. Fear and discontent; ghosts of old memories coming back to haunt us. Sun-baked cigars lose their precious scent like once-joyful families lose their only redeeming qualities in times of hardship and abandonment. Swallowed tears hurt my throat and my sisters are lost, lost even more than I am, and that hurts my soul. Moving without knowing where, tossing our lives up into the air to see where it takes them. Tumbleweed flying through towns abandoned, irrespective of its previous path, Where will it come to a halt? Blood-leaking hearts screaming giant black bold words at eachother to see who will leak out first. Tumultuous times a rhythmic pattern in lifeβs depressing story, which at best is wittyβnever happy. Love and crushes demoted to mere memories glazed-over by more pressing ones. Piercing judging eyes spot the handcuffs of my arresting shame and seize them; from there they can take me anywhere. Stories of death, doom, destruction on the news, but to them I am cold and indifferent. Heart calloused by self-punishment I see no good, no evil. Oppressive overcast sky mingling with rambunctious sea forming holy alliance, beautiful horizon infinite and superb. Perhaps there is hope in constant chaos.