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Annamaria Gagno
Feb 2013
His Foot Steps She Follows
His foot steps she follows
yet he is angry
not happy with her
no matter how she tries
she on his time clock
money doesn't matter to him
it's not his
she spends to make him happy
yet when she is broke down bottom
his words are give him space
for she has nothing to give
a clock that ticks
seeing by face
he turns awau
not give her the contactiom
of the eye's
words come
she speaks
following his foot steps
made him angry
his words to her
by his own voice
is saying
turns away angry
telling her
your not following his foot steps
she see's what he does
in her point of view
she does what he does
borrowing from people
asking the people
money he needs
if it's okay with him
all she knows
following the steps of him
now angry
a child
places his face towards
the window
while riding on the bus to home
saying good by to him bu her
made her feel the whole
world is against all
when people do this all day
facts of life
he cannot except the mistakes
he does
all she knows
clock ticks on his timer
where facts are straight
asking by someone
she is doing what he does
following his foots to wha he does
she feels it's for her
he place judgment on her
for the mistakes she does
is not exceptable
but it's okay for him
to follow his own foot steps
of his mistakes
now angry
he ignores her
without a word of silence
a childs play he does
on her
is fool shr became of him
by saying
not happy right now
silence became of him
without a good-bye
his foot steps she follows
Written by
Annamaria Gagno
Hamilton Ontario
(Hamilton Ontario)
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