black lace drapes over your window and flows in the breeze of the wind. you've captured butterflies in jars and listen to their wings beat against the glass, trying to escape their prison. as you take another drag of your cigarette, it begins to rain gently; and rain begins to come in through your window silently. you blow out a puff of smoke, and watch it blow down your tongue and pass through your lips. you shut the window slightly and just listen to the rain outside; it sounds so distant, so far away, yet it completely surrounds you. your ****** tension keeps building up, and distracts you ever so slightly. but your mind is occupied by other thoughts. memories slowly invade your mind of things you wish that you could forever forget. like when you had cut too deep and watched the blood splatter onto the notebook in your lap. or the time he broke your heart... then you notice the unmistakable tears, streaming down your cheeks. you wipe them away and finish your cigarette. you lie in bed and feel the cool breeze around your face; you fall asleep. hours later you awake, the rain has stopped and the butterflies in their glass prison have fallen silent. the world suddenly begins to spin, and abruptly starts to spiral downward into the darkness of your world; and all you can do is fall to your knees and cry.