I forgot the lyrics I forgot the melody to the song called love
Sing me the song old lover sing me the song old friend How did they drown that night?
the two lost lovers did drown at midnight. They drowned in the middle of the night. they fought for love they fought for life eternal. true love brought them together that night they took each others hand, said lets go skinny dippin for the very last time.
See they were rebels, they were fighters who wanted for their love. And they got caught, skinny dippin at night they held each others hands tight and Never let go...
You see I forgot the tale of the two dead lovers that were starry eyed Held fate in their hands and decided to swim for love. Yet they both drowned holding each others hand.
Lets remember not to fight lets remember not to love for the two dead lovers did sadly drown at night
I want to live not for you, or anyone else I am greedy I am selfish lets forget how to love and never look back at the two lovers who did drown