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Feb 2013
Welcome, welcome, welcome
How are you?
I see you are new here
I am too
It is a wonderful place
I'm sure you can tell
Everything you want
Every whistle and bell
Resides here for us
So let your curiosity grow
Let it be wild in style
Let your mind be shown
Take it into the universe
It's all on display
There is infinit unknowing
To be learned today
But you have a limited time
On a small piece of land
So spend it wisely
To learn all that you can
Dont let fear be the best of you
Don't let failure make jest of you
Don't let time take the rest of you
Accept what you have for
many have tried to rewind
Only to lose sight of
A goal they designed
this is a place of mystery
if you let it be so
You'll find many things
You'll never know
But that's when curiosity
A friend of the cat
Will help push you forward
Into knowing and fact
And once you discover
Something no one else knew
Tell me about it
I'm curious too.
Earnest A Roberts
Written by
Earnest A Roberts  California
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