I've been sitting on the edge of my bed for a couple of days now See, it's been raining outside and I feel bad for the garden it drowned But there's nothing I can do When I saw the roots floating above the soil, I realized I should just stay inside and breathe When I say, "the sound of rain on a metal roof," you can hear it But when I say, "The sound of rain muddled with concrete and grass two floors down half drowned out by the sound of my roommate getting in too late," You're wondering why I feel as though it's seeping through two stories of apartments and hitting my skin Full speed, still freezing, still drowning the garden
I've been fixated on the idea of decomposing See, I've always said that reincarnation must be real Because when my body isn't mine anymore, it will feed some plant Maybe I am already buried out in the garden and that's why it feels like I'm drowning I've been swinging my feet over the edge of my bed so that I know where the air is Just in case I come back to life and need to breath it again
I'm sorry, to the last man who died before the war ended Please stop pulling up my flowers, Please stop flooding their roots My toes are cold ankle deep in their soil I would never have pulled the trigger You would have planted a beautiful garden