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Mar 2019
Stained worm and blasted sphere
take the shape of your predecessors
burn and etch the cowardice from scandal
you were once bound for blame and worth

you skewer your pets with sinister ideology
painted on by math and mania
backwards and slightly advancing
you look towards the sun
the wolf howling

I have a gift for the unintentional
a wrapping paper for the perfect existential market
I have a detriment for the uninvited
a tasteless ******* on my back, leeching with stencils and scowls

logic should consume emotion
it should devour your suffering completely
it should work...
criticize me!

that's the thing
the moment of chains ripping at mental slavery
you can't even notice
you saw it for yourself

I would excuse myself from the table
but its so warm in the sun
up here
I've been down there for ages
solicit another seat
there's room, if we squeeze

last word and last hammer
truth and justice contradicting
religion a shackling ally
keep me down, keep us down
equality died when you bought and trusted the cruelest of His blades
the best-selling, all-encompassing products

epitome of humanity!
wake into blood
snake into grass
birth out of mud...
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