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Mar 2019
Whirling blades
warrior enlisted by God
slash the past like flies to a flame
grueling war will bring us no pain

eat our soulless master
see his pathetic attempts to deny you
watch him cry out
cry to you
bowing down to nothing but a grieving blow
hardly matters to us

we move through air like sand in heat
we don't crush what drives men into burrow
elite miners pick away at vivid rock
in order to find...?
pining away
a crystal in disgust
melon rinds edible yet crucified
take us back to tomorrow now
he's had enough

spelling bee, roaring child
meandering through all of creation
freshly born with watery skeleton and slick skin
you know what isn't yours
don't try to take it

This bellow rips at our flesh
divine wind and festering core
molested by parasite hive
heaving with lonely venom
slowly feeding
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