The crowded streets seemed empty now, beneath the noon day heat, as the devils and the invalids wait 'til dusk to meet. Then the sunlight fades and the neon signs, attract the social crowd, the silence dies and an echo's born as the deadly night grows loud. A ***** blonde in a ***** coat, leans on a grey stone wall, waiting to lead her regulars down a dark and dingy hall. While a blind man steers his cane ahead to aid his weary feet, he gropes his way to a barstoolΒ Β where he and bottle meet. The piercing sound of a siren is muffled by angry tongues, as an old drunk falls in an alleyway clutching his heaving lungs. The sight of the city from the fifteenth floor turns the heart to a giant pump, as a ****** high in every way prepares for his final jump. Dance hall girls line the stage and kick their legs in time, as the prestige men in business suits order gin and lime. An aging man with glass in hand finds friendship in the night bringing back his childhood through the shouts of a barroom fight. The pain goes on 'til the lights go out and the wolves all head for home for those who have no place to rest the sidewalk is there to roam.