It’s a non-existing standard we can define by nothing more than our desperation and pursuit of completion It’s deluding and is painful to bare, in fact letting of go of it opens up so many pores of acceptance and contentment without hindering ones ambition of aspiration
One shouldn’t go with the other Perfection is not meant to go hand in hand with ambition In fact the healthiest more achievable form of ambition is that which exist without the ******* of perfection in its walls and foundation
Ambition is healthy, the idea of perfection on the other hand is dangerous and so mythological that it causes a great deal of inadequacy to those that still hold on to its empty promises.
Let us produce great results, great being the profound collective exchange between good and bad, happy and sad, what is positive and what is negative
These are not opposing forces, that’s what perfection has convinced us of, they are parallel systems of reality that make and break it equally, as one cannot exist without the other in specific instance
Belief in perfection is as dangerous in a mentally ill person’s conviction to jump off a sky scrapper believing he can fly, it’s becomes more damaging the more we believe in it.
Perfection is not peaceful it is stagnant, it’s monotonous and deceptive In fact perfection is cruel because it convinces is of a reality we seek and pursue when we can’t even imagine
It has no beginning nor an ending because that’d process and progress Meaning perfection in a reality of progress never was and will never be but doesn’t want you to believe that, in fact the only thing that brought perfection into conception and gave it the nerve to even exist in our reality as the theory it exists on is the falsehood it’s made a home of in our hearts and in our souls, that’s why it’s hard to imagine but even harder to get rid of and eradicate.