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Mar 2019
I'm slowly crumbling inside
the walls of confines
Come and hear the truth
about those 'Okays' and 'I'm Fines'

I'm soaked and drenched
with waters that only eyes and quench
My tears stained my shirt, alright
How long until I've got to fight?

I'm tired of being the one who cares...
when no one gives a **** about my fears
Tired of being the monster, the demon
which one doesn't even need to summon.

I'm tired of this labyrinthine maze
of the curves and bends, I have to face
So let me end it all here
and this time, I'm sincere
Ananya Dubey
Written by
Ananya Dubey  18/F/New Delhi, India
(18/F/New Delhi, India)   
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