how one moment we were little babies at our desks, trading lunches side by side, writing love letters and getting kicked out of class how we truly believed in the meaning of forever, how we promised each other we would stick together, like glue after everything we knew would be over, when the cold hands of life would tear the hearts out of our chests at last.
it was strange sitting across from you at that table, with nothing but two coffee cups to symbolize all the distance that no word could summarize, how i listened as you filled me up with the contents of your life that i could not digest, "we are buying a house together, it's so exhausting always going back and forth, you know?" i nodded and smiled, wondering selfishly if i would be invited to the wedding. coming from a family of divorce, i don't have much of a stance on weddings but i have always found the idea of them beautiful.
it's strange when you realize success for you maybe different for someone else, success for them may be a house, a car, and a high paying job success for you may be just taking care of yourself in the way that you give yourself something to look forward to in order to survive another day, in order to truly learn to live.
and it's strange because there comes a point where you know two lives cannot ever be compared.