the scratches on her legs grow deeper and deeper they tell of a tall growing tree with fruits of plenty, feeding the girl with sweet daydreams they feather her wings as she is thurst up, free but one must take account for gravity earth provides ground for our feet earth defogs the haze of our dreamy lenses the fruit falls and gashses free its meat the ants swarm the juicy sweetness and take it for their own the sun's blaze rots the girl's golden honey the skin wilts in the dusty air and the girl laughs until it feels funny she waits for fruit falling just for her because the branches that lifted her have aged and fallen but fruit falls to the ungrateful vermins and they taunt her with their singing calling she's starving, her arms are frail and bony she falls on the roots of the sprawling giant she asks for its branches, its wood, its shade but it whispers that their needs are more compliant she begs for just a scrap or protection from the fire but it turns her away for the termites she feels the sweetness draining from her veins and the daydreams being outshone by a violent light her screams stifle her throught and set her dreams ablaze and she takes the axe out of the anger she forbade but she remembers the sweetness of the fruit she will never taste as she falls from the sweet splinters, she lets herself succumb to the blade