The sludge seeps into my marrow. Filling every pore, every entrance until I’m suffocating in it. It roils and slurps with its oppressive heat And gurgles and spits until it wraps me up completely.
It hardens. The shell so thick nothing can penetrate it. You chisel, and chisel away and I watch you And I laugh at you.
I laugh so heartily at your futile efforts to get to my center I watch you grow frustrated I watch you get angry I watch you try by force I watch you give up and walk away
And I laugh. Because I drank the hate you poured And I let it consume me. There is no hate more hilariously poisonous than yours.
The delicious malice of armor created by you. Does it make you feel weak? Does it make you feel inadequate? Does it make you feel hopeless?
I swim deep in those feelings until I bottom out in the ecstasy Of their prison.
Bitter. My return to the present is bitter. The aftertaste of your shot of hatred is putrid. It festers and infuriates me. I want to bathe in its luxury of intoxicating drama And shoot you down where you stand until there is nothing left Of the bottle but puddles.
Forget? I’ll forget when you perish. When I watch the heat From the sludge devour you inside and out. When I see the steam rise from your burnt ashes. When I pull the trigger and see the fire melt your hateful eyes into the holy oblivion of uninterrupted agony... When the world burns you as I stand unfazed in your corroded armor of hate... Then I’ll forget.