it's nights like these that i want nothing more than to grip the wheel of the suv that i don't pay for forget the complacency of life in this 1000 square foot cage or the smaller cage the one my bones made for me the one that's never small enough
--she relies on me, you say but when it's quiet my minds eye is lazy diaphanous and turned inward. untoward numbers irreparable mistakes the harsh slap of brevity mirrored in the wet pavement
i see myself in it's penumbra. i see myself in the windshields of the passing cars their scintillating headlights as addicting as the sharp inhale of our morning cigarettes a slicing denouement to my woes.
--it's all i can do but not to turn the wheel to do so would be evocative (yet ineffable)-- but the excitement is ephemeral as my minds eye blinks open and yet again i am filled with ennui. and yet again i turn off the ignition.