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Feb 2013
You mean if I don't go extinct,

I guess I'm free,

as free as anyone is in this world,

with Destiny glaring at me from her Window,

Her eyelids fluttering in anticipatory teases,

and yet to flirt with her is to invite Doom into your pocket,

Even if she does gaze the glance of her blessing on you,

your date with her is, ultimately, set

the supper is bitter, and her wine that which lulls in the sleep of the ages,

until thence, she changes tables, and woos another suitor.

we all must have that sour meal with her sitting quaintly across, smiling demurely, yet knowingly,

So, until the time comes to sit at her table, wrest free from her shackles the very smallest bits of will

tho it make her jealous, her envy 'tis thus of you still.
Clyde Yulassetar Wiggin
Written by
Clyde Yulassetar Wiggin  Memphis, TN
(Memphis, TN)   
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