There lies a single dugout hole In the middle of a vast field Encompassed by a three-sided rock fence. The hole is not big by any means, No more than three feet in diameter. However, it is notably deep Deeper than any hole ever dug.
Once a week a strange man would walk A dirt trail that leads straight to the hole. He carried nothing but a shovel And a head on his shoulders. For as long as I could remember This man climbed into the hole with his shovel And the ensuing hours would lull on by With every ***** full of dirt that turned to dust.
On occasion I would find myself watching. Just staring out my window on my couch Excogitating as to why he has been doing this. Nobody owned the land he excavated So he was never stopped or questioned. Sometimes I tried to conjure the courage To go out and question him But I’d grown up believing the field was wraithlike. There are a myriad of stories and myths. Some said he was searching for something Some said he was burying corpses And scattering their limbs as he dug. Some people even said he isn’t human And he was just seeking a way home.
Biting my tongue, I couldn’t take it anymore Without even a first thought I decided to get up and trot to his hole. I trotted to his hole and found his soul striking. His weary appearance sent my eyes Spinning senselessly like a slot machine. Any man who spends his life digging Doesn’t have the most particularly pleasing look, But this man looked a bit older, lean, and forlorn. His hands colorlessly cracked like paint on a wood pillar. Skin so white, it was like he was cloaked in calluses. Like I could pinch his epidermis And it would feel like the iron of a furnace. I took a quick glance at the entirety of his face, His face looked ridden with defeat. Then my eyes made way to his I gazed into them and sensed confusion. I saw a maze and a meandering man. Trying not to make my look of shock evident I finally asked him if he’d come out. He kindly obliged and climbed on out.
“Just a single, simple question is what I have.” “Go ahead and ask, I won’t be mad.” “What are you doing digging this hole?” “It’s simple, I’m enshrouding my emotions.”
Several weeks pass; I have not seen this man. I’ve been contorting my brain in knots Trying to comprehend his answer. I just wanted to see him again to ask why. Finally I decided to make one more trip out there And followed the single dirt path to the hole Only to find the hole had been filled, and a sign. It simply read: “Don’t bury your emotions They’ll eventually cave in on you.”
Trying something new with a descriptive story telling poem.