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Annamaria Gagno
Feb 2013
Holding on to Life
Holding on to life
as she lays rested on her bed
moments of herself
cries for the lost
of her love
sadness surrounds her
memories to endure
why does this happen
he was only 26yrs old
my love
was the only love
she knew to have
soul mate he was
love was there
being together was not knowing
he would leave the one he loves
his devotion of him was to carry a life
for her
married for three years
why did the Lord above took him away
from her
he was my protector in life
he was everything to him
the lights always beaming
of love
between them both
she will never erase the time
remember him
how sick he was
why him
we plan it all for life
endure the pure love
talking out for the future
it was taken so early
no children between us
why does this haunt her so bad
she cannot go on in life
in his letters
sent to her
how much he loves her
how fear came in between them both
why does this disease take the people we love
not fair
it's the reality to see how our loves
slowly fade away
she is the memory to him
he writes the thoughts of her
even though he is gone from her
letters would remind her
what was there and then
but now go
he took her heart with him
as he slowly fade away
how can they both say good-bye
all he see's
for his memories will fade
last tears of her
has he watch's her cry on and on
my love
she was for him in life
she was the love of his life
one day
you'll will come in time to him
he will search you in time
when it's time for to leave
in his letters to her
please go on in life
find the true one
make the best of it
remember the life she had with him
her happiness is to fall in love
once again
find the love again
make the children
we are suppose to have in life
my love go on
can't stay alone in the darkness
keep on crying
life is apart of death
new journey's start within herself
to another
my love go on in life
do not cry for life to the end of life
by body and soul
was meant to be
to be with the Lord above
Lord chose him to come home
love of his life saying good-bye
is the last words he said to her
Written by
Annamaria Gagno
Hamilton Ontario
(Hamilton Ontario)
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