Raw flesh drenched in alcohol Burning numbing till paralyzed, keeps me still Power you have over my being, keeps me fearing
Your presence destroys me, shatters me Feeling naked, inadequate when my eyes see My reflection's negation in you Cannot hide anything when you expose all of me
Wounded animal beaten without avail Knowing, proprietor of my pain You don't understand my whimper, wail? My blood being diluted by the sweat of your laborious efforts Precociously tactful, inhumanly strangling my will
Ever-becoming antithesis to facades, fears, farces in me Facing scalpels and clamps to my insecurities, my tactics, my pride Leaving me open not caring if I'll die from exposure Caring only that you're exposing the real me
I-nvoluntarily l-acerated, o-n the v-erge of e-nding u-ndone Somberly Always Unsettling Leaving me bare