Placed in plain sight as a place for curious eyes to rest Lying upon the mantle was a single picture Each day, the dust surrounding it seemed to swell, And further shrouded the frame's crack Shards of glass still fell from time to time Each landing in its own bed of dust
To himself, he muttered that he should dust Each time the phantom passed it to rest And as always, he did not have the time Claiming that in his mind there was a perfect picture Heavy footsteps gave him away as the floor started to crack Memories overcame and caused his heart to swell
Even then he wondered why he painted her so swell How could he adore the one that blew his dreams to dust Over the phone, he tried to answer, but his voice did often crack When he tried to reproduce what he had with the rest Too many times he had tried to create the same picture Of what he once had, but in a different time
Finally he decided that he could waste no more time Each day for a week he paddled over swell after swell Each day for a week he could not jettison this faded picture Lines blurred as tears mixed with paint and dust Each obscuring line brought his soul more rest Violently he hurled the picture, hoping he didn't crack
Each lonely moment inspired him to give it one more crack Realizing that in this world, he only had so much time Young love sank with the picture, and on the ocean floor it would rest To move forward, all of his courage he had to swell He put behind him the times of darkness, phantoms, and dust In the days that passed he learned how to paint his own picture
Now more faces pass the mantle than he could ever picture “Good thing you removed that horrid painting” they crack “You finally took the time to clean up and dust” “One day you will admit that we were right this time” “Until I saw her today I thought my heart would never again swell” “Friend is the best word for someone that makes you forget the rest”
Each day he tells himself he needs a little more time Every smiling glance she gives makes him feel so swell Letter one of each line will tell you the rest.
A modified sestina, with the first letter of each line forming a sentence.