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Feb 2013
"Come away"
The ever-young boy says,
"To a world of fantasy,
Of glittering rainbows
And a smiling sun.
Where flowers are in constant bloom
And night is filled with starlight.

Where there are lagoons filled
With ever-playful mermaids,
Where there are pirates
By the shores
And also Indians
Dancing around bonfires.

Where children play the adults,
Though still children they remain,
Forever caught
In an endless game of make-believe."

"Take me there"
I tell the boy
Who seems to be made of sunshine.
"Teach me to ride the wind
And away we'll go
To that faraway, enchanted place,
Second star to the right
And straight on til morning.
To the land
Of forever spring
Where age is timeless
Youth eternal."
Written in February, 2008.
Inspiration: "Peter Pan".
Elena Visan
Written by
Elena Visan
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