So I heard once that there’s always some gnarly looking carrot in every bag of carrots and you’re supposed make a wish on it if you get it. But I didn’t have a bag of veggies I had a jar of Gumby and Poki shaped gummies.
Finally the day came when there were only two Gumbys left. One was bent in half and smashed together and the other looked as all the rest had. I pulled out the sad little gummy and made a wish like it was some ugly carrot. I wished my crush would kiss me, And giddily I walked to a coffee house because I was hoping he would be there even though I sternly told myself that he had no reason to be there. I found the coffee house closed and knew my wish wasn’t happening that night.
I talked with a friend about my woes and she confessed her heartache. We smiled and laughed and died just a little on the inside. We had hoped that in college we wouldn’t feel like middle school girls with unrequited crushes.
The next day he dropped off a fish (and this is no euphemism or pretty poetry slang, I opted to fish-sit while he went home for break). After he left, and feeling more than silly I took out the last Gumby and pretended. I pretended that it was every wish on a boy I had made since I realized boys weren’t completely disgusting. On my way to class I held the little gummy in my frozen, clenched fist and wished that’d he’d kiss me before he left. I made it really specific because every movie I’d ever seen with genies in it had taught me that specifics were key to avoiding mishap and mayhem.
Obviously, it didn’t come true. And I feel like I’m back in middle school, wishing on ugly carrots and stars that look suspiciously like airplanes. Everyone has crushes, and still more wishes. Why I thought at the age of nineteen when the glamour of Disney-endings and romantic-comedy plots had tarnished to realism, that a Gumby gummy prayer would come true, well I’m not entirely sure.
Maybe it’s no matter how old you are there are always ugly carrots and shooting stars and fast airplanes and romantic comedies and gummies in the shape of kids’ show characters. Maybe no matter how disappointed I am there will always be unrequited crushes and genies for wishes and God for prayers and heaven forbid hope.