Separation anxiety with myself; terrified of the gloom girl leaving Weaving new webs that stick like oil, slick and coiled, stalling bereavement Trepidation on angles of light and shadow Yin, yang, Confucius confusion Desires remain: stitched scars with light, wings blacker than dots on dominos
Arachnid, I yearn to spark my molting, space far too cluttered for this luxury; huddled masses between my ears, symphony of failures, always off key Continuing a battle of lost meanings I ail only to be impaled by doubt Version two is a ruse Iām magnetized to: Reckless instructions, emotions black out
Light might have to wait for an ominous cue, twist, tight gripped, pull version one through Polish worn, rough edges, forgive version two Frail, tragic little girl; failed to claw her way out