Every morning I wake up I turn off my alarm And in the dead silence, and pitch blackness, I stare at the ceiling for a bit As my eyes adjust to being awake I just lay there. Thinking. About life About the hell of getting up For all of about five minutes
Every morning I wake up I get out of bed I go to the bathroom I splash some water on my face I brush my teeth I swirl around some mouthwash I put on some deodorant I brush my hair I wash my face I put on some face lotion
Every morning I wake up I put on some warm clothes I get a drink of water I eat an apple or a banana or sometimes an orange
Every morning I wake up I grab my backpack and put it on my bed I put on my belt I slip on my shoes I wiggle into my coat I get at least two decks of playing cards into my coat pocket I get my wallet in my back pocket I get my phone in my front pocket I get my earbuds into my coat pocket I get my pen into my inside coat pocket I get my flashlight into my coat pocket I get my hand driver tool into my pocket I get my phone charger into my backpack
Every morning I wake up I go through this routine Without much thought anymore It's natural to me To do the same thing each and every morning
Every morning I wake up Whether I want to or not I lock up the dogs I feed my turtle I turn off all the lights I walk out the door and lock it behind me
Every morning I wake up I follow this routine Step by step Without fault
Every morning we all wake up Even if we don't want to Even if the only thing we want to do is just lie in bed And not deal with today Even if the only thing we want is just a couple more minutes of precious sleep Just a little longer in the warmth of our blankets Just a little longer not having to go through the true hell that is today Just a little longer to be by ourselves
But we wake up Every Single Morning
We wake up We'll continue to wake up for the rest of our lives Each and every morning. I think that says something about us. I think that shows just how resilient we really are
Every morning that we wake up It's a big ******* to all who say we can't do it To anybody that says we aren't strong enough Even if you're a weeping mess all day long Even if you don't get your schoolwork done Even if you aren't prepared to get up You still do. I still do We all Still Do.